Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The Jin Russell Empire (Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?)

            This has been posted after watching episode 5 of Mondaiji-tachi gaIsekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?.  The story is not finished but I have a theory about all the events taking place. I have come to realize that Jin Russell shouldn’t be trusted.

Well the heroes can trust him but I don’t think he’s good for the children of the no name village. I believe he is plotting to rule over the whole Little Garden and using Kurousagi aka Black Rabbit and the heroes as his super soldiers in creating a perfect harem for him.

            When you first look at the young Jin Russell you see a kid that is caring and really looks out for his friends. Odd thing is that he doesn’t fight in any matches and doesn’t do any of the labor that you see the children doing. Maybe he’s some type of motivator you would think but you soon come to find out that he doesn’t even have confidence to win. I was confused when he took the two female heroes out to a cafĂ© risking chances of losing them to enemy villages. One wouldn’t have done that if they wanted to keep their potential strong fighters. Wouldn’t you keep them in your village until they agreed to help you? Then you could show them around places you didn’t control .

 You saw how Black Rabbit tried her best to keep the truth about living in a poor village. What if all that was a ploy to make the Asuka and You feel sympathy for the weak pathetic kid and decide to help him?

Also it would be much fun to fight with the underdog village then being in the winning village. Good ploy Jin.

            Now looking at the no name village. How come they lost their village? What made the enemy single them out and start killing off all the adults? Couldn’t it have been a secret plan devised to exterminate all the people above a certain age? Out of this extermination process of the no name village somehow Jin managed to be the only survivor of his age group while everyone else either left or died. How come the last oldest that left didn't take away all the kids and put them in a safe environment? Looking at the place they stay doesn’t seem to safe. It’s not like a summer camp that all the parents sent their kids to, it’s a village of nothing but kids. What stops these pedophile villages from invading and snatching up the kids? In the story you are told that kids have been eaten and killed for no damn reason. Why have a village full of kids surrounded by dangerous people? Jin had to be behind this because he’s the only one benefiting the most from everything.

            Notice how when they first show the no name villagers walking back to their village they had dirty clothes and they walked a long distance past a lot of dangerous areas just to get a bucket of water and dump it into a dirty well. They all had smiles on their faces but what if they are so traumatized from the battles of just getting water that the smiles are for making it back. What if twenty went out and ten only came back? We wouldn’t know because I don’t even know the children's’ names, well maybe two at the most. I doubt the heroes know as well.

Side note:
I’m going to make another post talking about Riri actually being Yuki from Dog Days, she had to leave that crappy village as she got older.

            Why would you want to stay in a place where trees, plants, and animals wouldn’t live? Only if an evil tyrant was brainwashing people into staying, hint Jin Russell. Why do they all need to stay in the village? I believe they are doing some type of freaky stuff at night. Why don’t they all go to a village where people can take care of them? They can see their friends on their free time. You see others left and it seems like they are doing okay. They only showed us Leticia that was captured but was being sold around as some type of slave but didn’t you notice she was able to walk were she pleased. Yes she got in trouble and was turned to stone but she was disobeying her previous orders. She had nice clothes better then the villagers and seemed like she was well fed. What she came to do was to tell them to stop this stupid plan of saving the village. At the end she became part of the village again and another slave for Jin. It makes it seem like the heroes are enslaving her but when they leave she will still be a slave for the guy who didn’t do a thing.

            I believe Jin made some type of deal with an unforeseen person, probably the Devil King, to make them attack his village and kill all the ones that would be a problem for him in the future. By killing off all the older people who were educated it left behind the uneducated to be taught by Jin. Black Rabbit  is nothing more then a referee that lives in the no name village so no matter what Jin does she is only a referee. She can get mad at his actions but since she can only watch she only has the option of leave or stay. I doubt she will leave because it seems like everyone in the garden wants to molest her.

            Even if people don’t believe me when I say Jin is the conspirator of the events taking place just look at what will happen if the heroes manage to save the no name village.

1.    Jin Russell will be the leader of the no name village that is starting to be called the Jin Russell village. (King Jin Russell)
2.    Jin will be doing what he has been doing all alone, which is nothing, while the children do the manual labor and his sexy maids, which he now has two, do all the house chores.

3.    Black Rabbit will be his personal sex slave/referee.

4.    The heroes will leave and he will be seen as the person who saved the Little Garden from the evil villages.
5.    Jin’s enemies will be taken out and all that’s left are people who support Jin. Making him the most influential person in the garden.

            Now just looking at those five points and looking at how miraculously at the time when all has failed, in the village, some super humans are transferred over to help. How come Black Rabbit didn’t do this when people started dying confuses me. Isn’t this cheating to some extent? Also how come the best are picked from each dimension. When Jin gets his goals accomplished these heroes will be transferred back to where they came from and there life will go back to being boring.

Emperor Jin Russell and his plot to rule the Secret Garden or let’s go by the name of his plan “Mondaiji-tachi ga Isekai kara Kuru Sou Desu yo?” which means Problem Children Are Coming From Another World, Aren't They?. Why would you bring problem children when you need someone to fix a problem. It doesn’t mean bring a problem to solve a problem unless you want to unleash that problem on your enemy. Now let me wipe my bloody nose because I have been staring at Black Rabbit for to long. Now on to the next blog.

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Fairy Tail Episode 167: 100 versus 1

I have been watching the Fairy Tail series ever since it started. This is my favorite episode so far and I am a huge fan. This series has a lot of comedy, sexy women, and action what else could you ask for, oh yea magic. This is the only anime that I don’t read the manga so everything that happens in the anime is new to me compared to Naruto, and One Piece where I know what’s going to happen next.

Now let’s get down to the reason why this is considered the best episode, from my opinion, so far. One; it had a lot of action in it and two; my favorite character got to kick ass. Now I know everyone is like this is Ezra did you see it happening in any other way? No I didn’t but just watching her do something I knew she was going to do still excited me to the max. The ending scene from the previous week’s episode had me excited the whole week anticipating to watch this week’s episode. I didn’t watch it when it first came out because I forgot what was going on since I’m watching like over twenty other anime series. I’m probably going to record the scene of her winning the chance to go first. Natsu and Grey knew she was going for it all. It didn’t shock me one bit when she declared to fight them all I was just ready to watch her do it. I didn’t watch the closing credits for the new season just because I liked the old one. Haven’t them play the closing song before Ezra fought was great.

This episode had a lot of action and just seeing sexy Ezra and her cat friend, Millianna  in those tight outfits was fantastic.

This episode marked the turning point of Fairy Tail from being last and next to last place to becoming a contender. Everyone was talking down about Fairy Tale before this event but when they saw Ezra fight all those monsters by herself that made everyone shut up and have a second opinion about what Fairy Tale was capable of. Looking at everyone shocked and happy faces at the end almost made me get a little teary eyed for the Fairy Queen. I understand why Doranbolt was happy to see her fight and got teary eyed but I don’t understand why he still feels bad for what he did seven years ago. It was a long time ago and even if it didn’t feel like so long ago for the main characters they understood what he was doing before those events happened. I don’t believe they would still hold a grudge against him and he needs to see Wendy because it seems to still be killing him inside. I think it would cheer her up to know that he is still alive.

With Ezra I know this isn't going to be the last of her beating the shit out of everyone but just watching her do the walk in the previous episode and kicking all their asses like I knew she would made my morning for work. I came into work with a fuck it I can do anything attitude, except walk my ass out though. Cana I knew had no problems getting second place when they pointed to all those barrels of liquor she had drunk. I knew her sexy ass wasn’t going to just get drunk and lose the match in front of the original master. I don't know if I’ve placed Ezra in my top five on myanimelist but I am definitely putting her in the personal page that I'm designing. Fairy Tale is a great series and I love how exotic the women look in it, yes I love women!!!! The big match that I’m waiting to see is between Ezra and Kagura, with those sexy hips. I know that's going to be a great match and when Ezra won the event she knew Ezra would have information on Jellal, looking like a beef is being formed.

This is a great arc and finally we are going to see what Raven Tail has been planning. The king's men or whatever they are seems like they are after the celestial wizards and spirits for some reason but I still don't know exactly what they are trying to do. I wonder if Raven Tail is trying to accomplish the same thing. Great episode and the only episode I think right now that can top this is going to be the fight between Kagura and Ezra. You know I will be talking about that one when it happens. Now let me wipe my bloody nose and on to the next blog.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Queen's Blade Season 1

First off I want it to be known this season doesn't get a good score. It wasn't good in my opinion and put all it's time into showing naked chicks. It was like they invested all their time into learning how to fight while de-clothing the other and not much time into learning how to make stronger armor to protect from your clothes flying off. I like watching anime with women fighting and clothes flying off but don't make that the only thing that happens. Don't get me wrong the overall story might turn out to be a little interesting so this is just my view of the first season. Also I like how some of the females look they do look sexy and I like the clothes flying off but have more importance to it if it's something to do with battling. There are some anime and hentai I watch to see the panties flying and sexy women but with this I thought they were going to be more in the fighting and second in the titty flying maybe that is how it will be in the second season.It's about this spoiled girl, named Leina, who decides that she wants to fight or something, the first few episodes I kept falling asleep because Leina was in love with Risty and did it so quick. I guess she liked bondage that's why she was quick to fall in love with Risty.
I understand overtime that she would see her as a friend since she didn't really have any friends in the past. The weird wing angel just didn't make sense to me. Why is her other wing so small? How did she ever get that spot after being so stupid? I don't know how the Queen's Blade tournament is going to go but wouldn't all these people who are in this story have to fight each other to win? With them helping Leina she's going to be strong and smart enough to take all of them on and win. She gets to watch how they fight and learn from them. She doesn't even have an important reason to fight compared to the others. Look at the priestess that came from Japan all her friends died and now she's helping this girl who just want to learn how to fight with nothing better to do. And one big thing if she is able to win the tournament doesn't that make all the females with her suck? She was able to fight on their level with 2 days of practice and walking around watching them fight. This story was stupid to me but I'm hoping they just had to do an opening so when the tournament starts everyone would know the characters and why they are at the tournament. They did go overboard with some of these women and the sizes of their breast; you know who I'm talking about after watching this. I mean I am a breast man but that's too much for me and how can she fight without having back problems or someone slicing off her breast.
Overall the story for the 1st season I give it a 6/10 since it might get better once the tournament starts. I would have given it a lower score if it didn't have the nice breast and ass shots all the time. I just didn't like this first season about some weakling wondering around the land learning how to fight and escaping her sister. She could be some type of nobility and own land but yet she wants to walk around not knowing what she wants to do. It's sad how everyone around her has some story which gives them a legitimate reason to be there but with her she's acting like a spoiled brat wanting to do what she feels. She thinks that she's a good fighter so she's going to follow this girl into the tournament which I still don't understand why she entered in the first place and how come it only took her a couple of days and spars to become a fighter at master level? She didn't have any training in the past now she's super great from just watching and getting into a couple of fights.

        The art was great so I give it a 9/10 I don't want to give it a 10 since I want to see how they do in the 2nd season with the battles. The woman with the big breast was just horrible and I couldn't tell if her kid was a boy or girl. I still really don't know but thinking that she's a girl the more I watch it.
The characters I give a 7/10 I did enjoy how the main character looked and all the people she faced. I didn't like how the Queen looked like she was 22 in the beginning and at the end looks 16. What is up with that? I mean this looks like an older crowd anime but they have this monkey girl with no parties and now the Queen. I mean the others look pretty young but the youngest out of them look 19. I like the ninja chick she can get it. The funny thing is how their clothes always get ripped off. Come to think of it I haven't verified but out of all the chicks that fought I can't remember if Risty ever showed her breast. She did get beat up by Thunder goddess so that was funny.

The sound I give it a 4/10 I didn't really pay attention so it didn't catch my ear compared to other anime and some voices I didn't like.
Overall enjoyment I give it a 5/10 it was okay some of the females were the only reason why I kept watching and laughing at how quick they got naked. I couldn't believe how Leina was bugging out over the monkey girl not wearing panties when she just had a thong on and almost always lost her clothes in the fight. I know the Queen's Blade tournament was thought up by some men because seeing these chicks fight and lose their clothes would be a lot better than men fighting and losing their clothes. I am interested in seeing how the tournament goes but it's no rush and I think Sekirei was a lot better.

Black Lagoon Season 1

This is a pretty good series I had it on my list to watch but I kept holding back because I went through an ecchi anime time so I didn't watch it until this holiday season. I'm going to start watching the second season after doing my holiday partying. Well on to the story the story is about a delivery company who does it all. A person named Rock I keep forgetting his real name is sent to transport this cd and then the delivery company called Black Lagoon robs them and takes him hostage.

The dude was pushed around at work and I wasn't too shocked to see the owner of his company shit on him. Rock is very smart but he was pretty much at the wrong place at the wrong time. But on the other hand it was good because he was really a loser before meeting the chick Revy. I know they love each other so I'm going to say Revy is a Tsundere because she acts like she doesn't love Rock but deep down inside he's changing her into a better person. Also she's making him have a little dark side. The first series was mainly about the jobs they took and Rock fitting into the group. I don't know how the second season is going to be I hope it dwells deeper into the characters of the Black Lagoon but I wouldn't mind if it would play off like Golgo 13. I'm going to start reading the manga depending on the second series both ways I will. Overall I give this story 6 out of 6 because I really enjoyed it and want to see what the second season got in store. Check this out it has a lot of action and killing and Revy looking good for Rock he need to hit that.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Highschool of the Dead

This anime is one of my best and I'm not one of those people who like zombie stuff. But I do like fan service and people kicking ass! The thing that sets this different from the others is really nothing. I like how it started off with no real warning while the main character was going around moppy sad that his girlfriend dumped him. That was funny because he was dumped by the girl and she decided to mess around with his close friend. I mean that was fucked up but he acted so much as a punk after she dumped him.

He seemed like he could get another girl with no problem so why act that way. This has a lot of big breasted women and a lot of fan service with violence. The drawing of each character was very good, so if you like all that then this is for you. Also the series has a lot of killing zombies but the politics is what sets the difference from all the other type of zombie pictures. A lot of the violence was caused when the people were trying to kill others for resources, not helping each other live.
I guess you can tell who's my favorite character

They had a lot of scenes that I hope not to see if this ever happen like when that family killed that girl’s father while they were outside trying to get help. If I was placed in that situation I would be fighting alongside the main characters instead of the others because there small group had a better chance than the huge groups who would do a lot of infighting. Also a lot of fine chicks were with them and the way they were acting and dressed I would think that I would choose the right way to die or live. Overall I give this story 6 out of 6. I hope they continue with the story because it hasn't shown what started this and why all this happened and I want to know which families are okay and which ones are dead. Great story they need to make a live action movie out of this.


This was an underrated series but the whole thing with religion is crazy but looking at how the world is going wouldn't be to shocked if something like this were ever really happen. The story starts off with this resistance group trying to kill a leader of this powerful organization. Well they fail miserably and the main character named Cruise is trying to get away from the enemy with his sister. The sister is presumed killed but Cruz is able to get away with the help of this character named Adam Blade. He eventually teams up with him and some others and they form a group to take down this person who's the leader of this corporation that is causing all this chaos. Most Characters have a super ability which is why they are called Needless. The storyline kind of reminds me of Sekerei, but without the concept of a master with a group of females but if you look at Cruz being the leader it's the same thing pretty much. The story has plenty of fan service and some things where I think was a little to perverted but the jokes where very funny and I was dying laughing when no one could remember each other name but tried to play it off by saying another name.

The action was very violent and the plot was pretty okay. Overall I give the story a 3 out of 6. The religious part I really didn't like but the jokes made up for it.