Monday, October 31, 2011

Baka & Test

He don't play bout how dumb he is
They know it's true
His little avatar is dump as hell. It can use real objects and throw it at people but they make it do basic chores just watch that dumb little thing he will have you dying on the floor.

Idiot and Test is really the English translation but I guess they didn't want it to be called that for Americans. The story is about Akishi who is a second year student at this academy where they fight for better classrooms. It's very funny and has a lot of adult jokes and themes. A first I thought I wasn't going to like it looking at the cover it showed some child like characters in it but I didn't know it was there avatars. The show had me laughing thru the first few episodes and made me start watching more. I'm going to start watching the 2nd season real soon because it looks like this show is liked by many. This show doesn't have super action and adventure so I'm not going to read the manga but if they come out with more anime I will be watching it. The main character is an idiot but really down for his friends, and a girl he likes who likes him but he's so dumb he don't see it. They are all in Class F and they start a war with the other classes for better equipment. It's funny how they start off with cardboard boxes while class A have leather seats. I wish my school had some type of game which we can fight other classes depending on our school class scores. Class F became lucky because one of the females passed out during a test and was given a 00. That's what really started the whole war the idiot main character defended her but she eventually decides to stay with him but he doesn't get it that's why I want to watch the second season to see if he finally starts to see it. This is a great story to watch but it doesn't really have a bad guy just regular school days. It was funny how the main character never had food and world
try to pick up food off the floor. He didn't play about that he slowly going crazy though before his sister finally showed up and saved him. He is admired by the other sex also but he's so stupid he doesn't have a clue. The wierd thing is that his sister likes him in the dating way which is real wierd but she tries her best to help him out in school. The character Hideyoshi is like a pretty boy but they always call him a girl which is a funny gag. The bathroom scene when they were going to change for the pool was the funniest. Love this series and can't wait to watch the neat season. Wouldn't read the manga it's just not my cup of tea. Overall I give Baka & Test a 4 out of 6 it makes me laugh.

He do have a twin sister but nope that's Hideyoshi

This scene had me dying I should have showed the second part at the bathhouse

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