Thursday, March 1, 2012

Highschool of the Dead

This anime is one of my best and I'm not one of those people who like zombie stuff. But I do like fan service and people kicking ass! The thing that sets this different from the others is really nothing. I like how it started off with no real warning while the main character was going around moppy sad that his girlfriend dumped him. That was funny because he was dumped by the girl and she decided to mess around with his close friend. I mean that was fucked up but he acted so much as a punk after she dumped him.

He seemed like he could get another girl with no problem so why act that way. This has a lot of big breasted women and a lot of fan service with violence. The drawing of each character was very good, so if you like all that then this is for you. Also the series has a lot of killing zombies but the politics is what sets the difference from all the other type of zombie pictures. A lot of the violence was caused when the people were trying to kill others for resources, not helping each other live.
I guess you can tell who's my favorite character

They had a lot of scenes that I hope not to see if this ever happen like when that family killed that girl’s father while they were outside trying to get help. If I was placed in that situation I would be fighting alongside the main characters instead of the others because there small group had a better chance than the huge groups who would do a lot of infighting. Also a lot of fine chicks were with them and the way they were acting and dressed I would think that I would choose the right way to die or live. Overall I give this story 6 out of 6. I hope they continue with the story because it hasn't shown what started this and why all this happened and I want to know which families are okay and which ones are dead. Great story they need to make a live action movie out of this.

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