Monday, November 14, 2011

Girls Bravo

This story is about a boy who is allergic to girls. It's messed up but he got it from girls picking on him because of his height. Now I'm short so I do feel for the kid but how the girls use to pick on him is uncalled for and he should have stood up for himself. Overall he's a bitch in my eye, and pretty much everyone else. One of the girls at school is his only friend but she tends to beat him up a lot. Secretly she has a crush on him but he just doesn’t seem to get it. Somehow he gets transported to another world which is mainly women it would have been a dream come true for me. For any male that would have been the end of the story but not for this idiot. There he meets a female who can touch him and he doesn't break out. The funny thing about this he meets her in her bathtub so she's naked. He eventually gets back but somehow she gets there too and is not able to get back. The first part of the series deals with her coping on Earth while the dude shows her around; she has a very big appetite so she eventually has to find a job to keep herself from starving to death. The guy is very lucky because the girl is in love with him from the very beginning and will do anything for him. This makes him less of a man since she was already ready to have sex with him from day one but he’s trying to take it slow or whatever he calls it. At the end of the first part she has to go back because it is causing a problem with the space that is keeping the portal open. He lets her go back thinking that it's the best for her. Soon after he starts to miss her but she did as well and made it back. The story is pretty much a romantic comedy so the ones that are considered the bad guys is this rich white family. The son always gets super freaky with the ladies while the daughter thinks the main character is going to marry her. She's also into summoning demons and crazy shit like that. She has two bodyguards that do anything for her but one seems to have a huge crush on the main characters best friend. This show has tons of nudity and big breasted women in here not saying that this is the only stuff I watch but it seems to just make it better but not for all anime. The second part of the series has less nudity but not by that much. I enjoyed this story very much because the girl really cared for the dude but he's just stupid and even at the end he didn't really give her that much love, having that other chick sleep in the bed with him before she could. Overall I give this a 4 out of 6. A lot of fan service for everyone and a lot of laughs also I liked the lesbian bodyguard chasing after the main characters best friend I got a lot of laughs out of that. 

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